Sunday, October 10, 2010

bunnies & puppies

After 10 hours of the big "Close Out" sale....I needed a Xanax and a visit to the happy place, which for me, when I'm at the store is the back computer, where I can look at pictures of poodle puppies and bunnies on-line.

I distracted my self quite nicely with a good eighteen pages of poodles........
Then three to four solid pages of baby rabbits..........
Then I found this picture of Herman, a giant German Rabbit. Seriously, I can not stop staring at his feet, look at his toes. Needless to say I have added Giant Rabbits to my fantasy retirement farm, which so far includes poodles (duh), an alpaca, a petite monkey, and mini pig.

Curious how one gets a bunny of such large proportions, I  search google some more and discover Robert......

An award winning giant German bunny, who unfortunately, with a bunch of other Giant Rabbits was sold to North Korea for breeding, in an attempt to create a food source program for the poor. Instead they were believed to be eaten, at the birthday party of North Korean Communist dictator Kim Jong Il.
Huh? The story is so weird on so many levels, I was boggled (and slightly disturbed).

But then I found this...................... a giant Angora Bunny.

Completely ridunkulous and cute, the angora bunny settled me down and I no longer needed a pill.
The power of cute is mighty.

Day 2 of the "BIG" sale is officially OVER! 

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