( O.K, I kind of got this idea from Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie Inception, but whatever.)
Things keep revealing themselves to me, which warrant my exclamation " NO WAY! IS THIS FOR REAL?"...
Case in point:
Lous Vuitton's trash bag "Rain Drop" purses

Which are priced at $1900.00. About them, Marc Jacobs actually said this...... "There's this huge cult following of almost crazy people at Vuitton who just want whatever they buy to be exclusive." We're eager to see who will be the first to tout this tote."
Almost crazy people?? eager to see who touts the first one?
I am not a Marc Jacobs fan AT ALL. Never have been. His shit is U.G.L.Y! For a while I used to think he was making fun of fashion and women in general with his hideous boxy unflattering frocks..... NOW, I know he is...
So is actually MJ my new hero?
He says FUCK YOU! you stupid rich people, I made you spend $2000.00 on a purse that looks like a hefty bag!
I know you're thinking whats a Juggalo.....It's one of those phenomenons, that you have to see with your own eyes. and you still might not believe it.
I know, I know, you're kind of speechless right now, and wondering which country you are going to move to, and are there Juggalos there? Yes, that guy with the giant Ren & Stimpy style tooth, is borderline a mutant of some sorts and could only really exist in a bad dream or the woods of Indiana.
I was recently in Michigan, and had an elevator ride with some Juggalos, So I know first hand of their existence. and I think as a society we should be scared.
Mikey Koffman's hair

For reals? As a gay female person I find The Real L Word reality show completely horrifying, BUT Mikey's hair is fascinating...part Leather Tuscadero, part 70's Elvis, part Nancy Grace. Every time I see it, I yell " is that for real?"
There are other things that make me feel like I'm stuck in a bad dream, like the gulf oil spill, Sara Palin, the fact that there's people starving ...in Ohio, Mayor Villaraigosa, Fox News, Justin Bieber, calling AT&T about my bill, the Kalamazoo oil spill, owning a store......
I could go on but the list would be GINORMOUS!!