I signed up for this blog last April. I thought I would have great ideas to write down, I would be funny & witty, the best new blog of 2009, and then I didn't write a thing. I got blogger's block.
What if someone actually read Mercado's new fabulous blog?
Then comments on it....(ugh the horror of public opinion). What if I forget to spell check ? (like I always do) and someone calls me out on it, ( oh wait, that already happened after a Mercado email blast, I misspelled complimentary ... I would like to think the customer thought she was being "helpful", of course it was just annoying, especially when she offered her editing services for a hefty fee....(sigh) I had spelling shame for months, constantly checking my spelling..running the spellcheck 3 even 4 times, just to make sure I would never get anonymously shamed again)
But ultimately I'm a bad speller..... I have accepted this character defect as well as many others and moved on.
Fact; 2009 kind of sucked.
People in retail, I believe don't even have the proper vernacular to talk about it. It was interesting to say the least.......Lot's of stores closed. Not too many new stores opened. Not a lot of new products on the market. Everyone was scaling back..etc.
This experience, like so many other times in my life is filled with great stories, and of course revelations. So what am I waiting for?
Almost every month of 2009, was filled with huge amounts of anxiety and dread, while simultaneously also filled with triumphs, fearlessness, and good times.
This is, I recently realized and spelled correctly is ..............LIFE.