Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bonne année!

Well, that was an interesting year.........wasn't it? Kind of wacky I think......
For me personally, it felt like one of those times when you are painfully forced to figure things out, like kindergarten............
That moment after the dust settles..... and it sinks in..... things are never going to be the same.

There didn't seem to be enough time to get everything done, or so it seemed. Of course I read somewhere that the Chilean Earthquake that struck back in March, actually knocked the earth off it's axis by 3 inches, causing our days to be shorter.
Great. I can barely time manage myself as it is, and now forces of nature are stealing time from me too.

But it's nice to end a year with few regrets, and begin a new one without too many expectations.

Things I figured out 2010....

-I can not work 80+  hrs a week. It's simply crazy to even think about, and it can make you sick.

-Egos are like "Death Stars", and must be over come using the "Force"

-Fear is a terrible place to be motivated from. Try love first, then passion.....

-Better to regret something you have done, than something you haven't...... One of the happiest days I have ever had was the day we opened the store, and the second happiest day of my life was the day we closed it.

-I don't have to do everything myself, it's ok to ask for help, or accept help when someone offers it.

-Don't take the first offer......

-Don't all.

-Beauty really is, in the eye of the beholder......

-Keep Calm and Carry On, really is a good message. (but I'm sick of that poster)

-It might not look like how you thought it was going to, but that's ok. Sometimes, it turns out better than you ever imagined!

-Just keep breathing.

may the force be with you in 2011!
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