We sell a lot of cards at Mercado, it's kind of amazing.
W and I joke all the time that we should have opened a 300 sq. foot store of just cards, candles and jewelry, instead of the behemoth lifestyle store ( anyway that's a whole post in it's self, for another day)
When we first got these cards in (by Ella Studio), they all flew off the shelves...
except for "Douche Bag". I thought "uh oh"...I pushed the envelope too far. No one is ever gonna buy a card that says "Douche Bag" on it.
Then I sold one.
I asked the lady buying it, "who are you giving this card to?"
lady: "my husband, we had a fight this morning, it's perfect"
me: "hehe, will he think it's funny or will it perpetuate the fight?"
lady: "(chuckle) no, he'll think it's funny!"
me: "cool" $6.59 please........"
( yes, fancy hand made letterpress cards that say 'Douche Bag" cost 6 bucks)
W and I use the term "Douche Bag" a lot these days. It seems fitting for most politicians, drunk celebrities, reality TV stars, CNN news reporters, some of the corporate minions I meet at my other job, men that hang out in hotel bars, but not staying at said hotel......
wikipedia says:
Douchebag, or simply douche, is considered to be a pejorative term. The slang usage of the term dates back to the 1960s.[6] The term refers to a person with a variety of negative qualities, specifically arrogance and engaging in obnoxious and/or irritating actions without malicious intent.
There are a few hundred postings regarding "Douche Bag" on Google, here are some of my favorites;
Douche Bag Continuum-
The force in the universe that generates and sustains all the douche bags that have or ever will exist.
"Spencer from the Hills ran into Chris Angel today and it tore a hole in the douche bag continuum." - Conan O'Brian
Douche Bag in Training -
An adolescent or child who either exhibits douche bag behaviors, or is being raised by a certifiable douche bag.
Douche Bag of the Loot Whore -
A trinket held by one person in World of Warcraft on Laughing Skull. This trinket makes you obsess out loot in game so bad that you make those around you want to stab them in the eye. Steer clear of the person holding this trinket and mute on vent to save yourself from hearing his banshee like cries for loot.
(apparently gaming nerds in their spare time create lists dedicated to urban slang.)
Needless to say, we eventually sold out of "Douche Bag", which prompted me to re-order......
and unable to resist pushing the envelope....
I ordered a half dozen "Ass Clown".
Take that Hallmark.